Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Empty and Beautiful

I love Matt Maher. Ever since I first heard him in 2005 at Steubenville I practically fell in love with him. When I went this last summer to Steubenville again my love for his voice and his music began a full blown obsession. His songs are like drugs to me. No matter how I feel his music makes me happy and filled with a sense of peace. It's a little weird if you ask me, but I'm not complaining. I can't wait for the summer when we go to Stubenville again. Matt Maher is of course not the only thing that is incredibly amazing about Steubenville, but he is definitely a big reason to attend in my book. Anywho, there are songs of his that I like better than the one I'm about to post. However I feel like this song I have a better connection to. The lyrics just fit.

Empty and Beautiful

My past won't stop haunting me
In this prison there's a fight between
Who I am and who I used to be

This thorn in my side is a grace
For because of it the flesh and blood of God
Was offered in my place, my place

You fought the fight in me
You chased me down and finished the race
I was blind but now I see
Jesus You kept the faith in me

Where did my best friends go?
In my defense they disappeared
Just like Your friends did to You, oh Lord

But You were there, You gave me strength
So this little one might come to know
The glory of Your name, Your name

You fought the fight in me
You chased me down and finished the race
I was blind but now I see
Jesus You kept the faith in me

Awaiting, set apart like incense to Your heart
A libation I'm pouring out
Empty and beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

You fought the fight in me
You chased me down and finished the race
I was blind but now I see
Jesus You kept the faith in me

You fought the fight in me
You chased me down and finished the race
I was blind but now I see
Jesus You kept the faith in me
Jesus You kept the faith in me
Savior, You kept the faith in me

Thursday, January 21, 2010


There is something about rain that calms me. The sound of it beating against the window, the smell of it lingering in the air. I live in the wrong state for rain. Actually I live in the wrong state for many things but that's an entirely another story. In the valley we are lucky if we get more than a week of rain scattered across the entire year. Most of that consists of mere sprinkling, and the occasional monsoon weather we get during summer. So when Chris told me last week that we were expecting record rain I kind of laughed it off. Record rain really isn't that much here. But the past couple nights it has poured. And today when the hard drops beating against the window woke me up at 4 am, I couldn't really complain too much. And as I walk around campus and it continues to steadily come down, I find myself smiling. Yes, my feet are damp, my head has to be covered with a cap because the rain will ruin my bangs and show off my naturally curly hair and I am cold. But I certainly would not trade this beautiful weather for a miserable high 70 day in January.

No, no. The rain is nice.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spring 2010

So today started the Spring Semester and as I sit here in the Hayden Library it doesn't really seem like I ever left. However this semester I'm going to attempt to tackle 17 credit hours and of course maintain my full-time job. I also of course will be helping out with youth group every Sunday night, and any other time I am needed. Additionally I will attend lector practice on Tuesdays and go to RCIA with Chris on Thursdays. Every spare moment in between will be devoted to studying, spending time with Chris and helping my sister with her homework.

I can do it all, right?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I don't even really know what to say right now. Other than I'm frustrated beyond measure. I'm bored, slightly depressed and not one bit amused. It's the same thing over and over again. I can't continue to live this way.

Something has to give.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fighting Fate

So there's this boy...

I am perhaps one of the most difficult people to be in a relationship with. I'm stubborn, I have a temper, I speak my mind openly and probably worst of all, I have terrible self-esteem. Everything that happens has a negative spin on it. I don't feel like I'm worth any amount of love and therefore when something, no matter how small, goes wrong I automatically think it's because he doesn't love me. I think it's because he doesn't care. Every wrong move leads me to fear abandonment. I mean why would anyone want to be with me?

I drive Chris crazy. I frustrate him, and he has every single reason to leave. Who would want to be with a girl who constantly accuses him of not loving her each time he makes an honest mistake? But Chris has the patience of a saint. And he loves me exactly as Christ commanded him to; the way Christ loves His Church. Chris doesn't understand precisely why I think the way I do. He doesn't comprehend why the girl whom he thinks is the most beautiful girl in the world could hate herself so much. He doesn't understand why I get so scared of him leaving and why I stupidly push him away. But he does understand that I have a reason. He does understand that I try to fight off my demons. He does understand that I love him, and I never want him to go away.

Chris is my best friend. He's the complete love of my life. Everyone in the world knows that all I want is to be his forever. He makes me feel alive. That numbness that I lived with for so many years faded away when he first kissed me. And that's what is so scary. Chris has stripped me down to my core. He holds my heart in the palm of his hands. The walls that I built up he shattered. But that's terrifying. To be that vulnerable to another human being is unthinkable. So I fight him. I try as hard as I can to build that wall back up. To hide in my emotions, and dwell in my fear. Because if I really let go and allow myself to be free, what then? How will I recover when he does leave? How will I be able to pick myself up? It's easier to deny his love. It's simpler to be ready to push him away. It's seemingly better to just know I'm not worth it and wait until the day he walks away.

But wake up Stephanie. He doesn't want to leave. And if he ever does it'll only because you pushed him away.

There is no denying that Chris deserves much better than me. But there's also no denying that he doesn't want anyone other than me. So why should I fight it? The very least I can do is allow him to love me fully. He deserves me without the walls. He deserves my trust. And I deserve to be happy.

Let yourself be happy.