Thursday, January 21, 2010


There is something about rain that calms me. The sound of it beating against the window, the smell of it lingering in the air. I live in the wrong state for rain. Actually I live in the wrong state for many things but that's an entirely another story. In the valley we are lucky if we get more than a week of rain scattered across the entire year. Most of that consists of mere sprinkling, and the occasional monsoon weather we get during summer. So when Chris told me last week that we were expecting record rain I kind of laughed it off. Record rain really isn't that much here. But the past couple nights it has poured. And today when the hard drops beating against the window woke me up at 4 am, I couldn't really complain too much. And as I walk around campus and it continues to steadily come down, I find myself smiling. Yes, my feet are damp, my head has to be covered with a cap because the rain will ruin my bangs and show off my naturally curly hair and I am cold. But I certainly would not trade this beautiful weather for a miserable high 70 day in January.

No, no. The rain is nice.

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