Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Year

Last year I started off the new year the same place I will begin this year, at the Tempe Block Party. It was my friend Kayla's idea to go. Chris and I went with her and her boyfriend Paterik. As the clock hit midnight he pulled out a ring and asked her to marry him. She of course said yes. A few months later she was married and living in Italy where they were both stationed.

Months after that, in April I believe, another one of my friends got engaged. Jamie was set to marry Shehan in October and I was blessed enough to attend her reception in the beautiful state of Utah.

In about July or so, my friend Alyssa text me announcing she too was engaged. Alyssa in many ways has been a sort of big sister to me, and the news of her engagement came as bit of a shock. But I was ecstatic for her nonetheless.

Kayla, Jamie and Alyssa were three of my closest friends that got engaged this past year. Two of them are already married. They of course weren't the only ones. Randomly throughout the year I would get texts or messages on either MySpace or Facebook annoncing an engagement, or wedding from someone I knew in high school. Some of my old friends were already even having children. Life so it seems was moving on, and quickly.

But it was moving on without me. This year has been nothing except days flying by. The constant routine of every day life became a familiar beat that I found myself simply walking to. Tuesdays and Thursdays go to school. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday go to work. After work come home, eat and see Chris. Mondays for the most part were Girl's Night with Liz, Kat, Megan and Sonia. Monday was also when NCIS came on. Tuesdays Law and Order. Wednesdays NCIS again. Thursdays was usually entertained by George Lopez. Fridays well, it depeneded on the time of the year. Sometimes I had softball games, other times it was filled with Chris and I trying to figure out what to do. Movies were usually the choice. We saw a lot of movies in 2009. Sunday nights consited of Mass and then youth group. Even that after a while seemed like a routine. Not the Mass itself (the beauty and meaning I pray will never be lost with me), but the preperation beforehand. Lectoring, EM-ing, Ushering, then chasing after teens and doing my best to show them Christ and His Church. Every day was different. Every day was the same.

I turned 20 in 2009. I left my teen years behind, although in my opinion they were already long gone before my birthday. I changed my major, and my choice for a potential career. I spent random nights in the hospital. I passed out at work on Halloween. I took my first real road trip with Chris to Sea World and got a sunburn that I can still see. I laughed, I cried, I fell deeper in love. I aged in more ways than one. But nothing in 2009 was spectacular. Nothing changed. I still live at home without a room of my own. I still have a job I hate. I still live a life that I feel is not going anywhere. I still have dreams that seem so far out of reach. I'm still that same pony tailed girl who is sweet, and good hearted but is apparently intimidating at first. I'm still that girl who boys stupidly fall in love with, even though I am so very out of reach. No, nothing happened in 2009.

It's almost a New Year. I want so many things to happen in 2010.

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