Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I take my faith very seriously. The Catholic Church is beautiful in its divine perfection and I am so blessed to be a fully initiated member of Christ's Church. Although I know I fall short, I do my very best to be a good Catholic. I help out with youth group to the point that I basically assist in leading the entire program. I have been lectoring now for five years, been an Eucharistic Minister and as usher for four. I've been honored and quite frankly shocked by being mentioned twice in a homily by two different priests. I give money, I take tags from the Giving Tree every year, I help out with Friends of the Needy and at any moment I can lead any practice for various ministries. But none of that means anything to the blessing and opportunity I have in front of me. None of my acts of stewardship will mean anything if I do not fulfill the duty I have been given to the best of my ability.

This year, in fact in just a few short months, two very important events are occurring. First my darling boyfriend will be baptized and receive his First Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. I have the honor and responsibility of being his sponsor. I am being asked to lead and guide him not only through the day that he becomes a fully initiated Roman Catholic but through the rest of his life. I am to be an example. I am needed to be there at all times for support and encouragement. Through days of temptation, and days of utter joy. My little sister in May will be confirmed as well and I am also her sponsor. The same responsibility that I have for Chris I have for my sister. I am required to be a light shining in the darkness so that I may lead her closer to Christ. This responsibility for both Chris and Marisa I take very seriously, and I thank them for trusting me to be a guidance for them.

By the grace of God may I be successful in sponsoring them and leading them to an intimate relationship with Christ and His Church.

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