Monday, September 5, 2011

Moving on.

Because of how funny and crazy my life is this blog can no longer exist. So I had to make another one. If you read this and love me and still want to read my craziness, well here's my new blog :

It's been fun.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dead Heart

My mom took me to mass at St. Mary Magdalene's today. There's two things wrong with that sentence. The car ride over there was interesting in itself. My mom was trying to pry details out of me that I did not want to give her. I kept yelling at myself for not hiding certain things. My mom seemed very amused by the whole situation. I was not. My life makes my head spin. When we arrived at the church I was calm. I liked the feeling of being invisible. I liked that no one knew me and I felt like I didn't need to hide. But at the same time I longed for some sort of familiarity. It was like my heart was being tugged in two different directions. I found my mom and I a seat and I sat down and tried to take in my surroundings. I was filled with unimaginable emptiness. Week two. A video played before mass and I thought to myself, "If this becomes my parish, maybe I'll get involved with that". Mass started and I sang the opening song with as much devotion as I could manage at that moment. Last week I couldn't utter a word. This week I sang. I used my perfectly out of tune voice and lifted it up to God. I focused on every word. But nothing. I couldn't feel anything.

You have to understand how Catholic I am. How attentive I am at every mass. How it brings me to tears and sets my heart on fire. The truth is that during mass Heaven meets Earth. Being Catholic and understanding and believing what I do is my greatest gift. So for me to know these truths and experience what I'm experiencing does not make sense. I'm fighting to feel Him. But He isn't there. I'm just empty.

During communion I sat in my chair and I was singing with my whole heart. I wanted Heaven to hear me. I was pleading. My prayer was broken up when I heard someone sniffle and I looked up and noticed my mom was crying. I looked at her and I touched her hand and asked her what was wrong but she just shook her head. I wondered if she felt something.

When mass ended and I was sitting in my mom's car with the bulletin in my hand I couldn't help but look through it. I was looking for only something in particular. Youth Group. I wonder if they would want me.

Tonight as I sat eating dinner by myself I had a thought. I was taken back ironically to the first time I had attempted suicide and I was in the behavioral health center. I was 13 and they had just asked me where I saw myself in 10 years. I remember being hesitant in my response. Even though I knew what I wanted. I think I honestly always deep down know what I ultimately want. The lady leading the session interpreted my scattered response for me and my hesitation and said the following, more or less. I have a good memory. "You're alone in an apartment. Maybe a studio or something small. And somehow some way you've managed to make it. But you just don't give yourself credit, do you? But you long for this sort of freedom where you can express yourself in ways that you aren't even sure of yet. You want to do great things. I imagine, actually, you want to save the world. What are you afraid of Stephanie? You want to get out, so get out. Don't allow people to limit your potential. You've been here less than two hours and you've already made a difference. I'm not sure you have even the slightest clue who you are and who you're capable of being."
I'm not quite 23 and my life is not where I expected it to be. At all. In any way. But I do have this apartment. And I'm almost always alone. I have a degree. And I do think I can save the world. I just need my heart to start beating again. Because I know exactly what I'm supposed to do with my life but I can't do it if my heart feels empty when I walk into a church.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

There's a Song for This

”I want to build my life around a country song”

I am so way in over my head. It's beyond me how I can be filled with so many thoughts and emotions. Can't anything in my life be simple? ”All I wanted was a white knight with a good heart, soft touch, fast horse. Ride me off into the sunset and baby I'm forever yours”. I mean really. But instead I'm left singing ” its so complicated, so frustrated. I want to hold you close, I want to push you away, I want to make you go, I want to make you stay.” But honestly ”I've been walking in the wrong direction, I can barely recognize my own refection, oh, scared of love but scared of life alone”.

I love how you make me feel but I hate it at the same time.

Do you remember when what you and I had was....perfect? What happened? Is it my fault? Is it because I got sick? Did life get in the way and this a part of growing up, of growing apart? Is this God's reminder of nothing lasts forever? Is it this place and this decision? What? I can't change anything and I can't go back. But I just don't want to lose you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Off The Deep End

I think I lost my mind. What part did they remove? Really. Yet I can't help but just grin right now. Oh wow.

                                                                                                                               I want to talk to you so badly about all of this

What exactly changed in the past few weeks? Because I'm sure I really was angry at some point. I'm sure I really just wanted a never. Actually, I'm pretty sure just last week I wanted nothing. Maybe. But then I think I'm just desperate to lie to myself. I'm desperate to convince myself that nothing I feel is real because that's easier. I'm so scared. Completely terrified. Why can't I just run away? Or hide? I have no idea what I'm doing. And I feel like I can't even talk to anyone about what I'm feeling. When I blurted to Katrina I was nauseous. But I was relieved too. Even if I didn't even actually say the words. I said the possibility.

I'm moving too fast. But I don't want to slow down. But I'm so scared. Rational Steph, rational. Where is this all coming from?

I want to talk to you. But I know what you'll say. I don't want to hear what you'll say. But I want to talk to you.

Is it so wrong that I just want to be happy? I slip into these moments of bliss and I want to stay there. Forever. Oh I think I hate that word.

And you. Why can't you leave me alone? I gave you everything.

I can't please everyone. I wish I could. But I can't.

My life is insane.

with these things there's no telling, we just have to wait and see...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's hard to eat when you're holding back tears. Thea came and picked me up for lunch today. It was wonderful to get out of the apartment. Even if it was unbearably hot outside. It was nice to be around people. To sit in a restaurant and be normal. I didn't say half the things I wanted to. Which was okay. I never really do. But I just can't stress how much it means to me to have people be around me that want to listen to me. I just need to talk. I just need to cry. I really think it all boils down to that. I don't think I'm asking for very much. But maybe I'm asking for the world. This soul crushing loneliness that consumes my very being. Oh my gosh. What do people see when they look at me? Can they see how broken I am?

I need so much comfort. I don't understand where it stopped.

What am I supposed to do?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Words I'll Never Say

I love when Jamie calls me. I love talking to her. I think right now she's the only one that talks to me. The only one that listens to me. I wish I could see her. I wish I could put my head in her lap and have her stroke my hair. Something tells me she wouldn't tell me to move it until I was ready. She never rushes me. I miss her so much. It's weird thinking we've been friends for almost nine years now. I was just a kid. So much time has passed. Yet it happened so fast. Thank you Jamie for never leaving. For never hesitating in stretching out your hand. I miss you.

I'm at odds with a lot of things. My heart is weighed down. To pinpoint my exact rationality would be difficult. Perhaps because there is no rationality to it all.

I want a passport.
I want to go to Haiti.
I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
I want a car.
I want to fall in love.
I want to go on an adventure.
I want a job.
I want to go to grad school.
I want to go to counseling.
I want to run.
I want to workout.
I want to go out.
I want to be someone people want to be around.
I want to go out of town.
I want to be missed.
I want to start over.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Golden Ticket

I'm staring at a note that states the following "Stephanie can work with no restrictions". It's signed by my neurologist. Honestly, I'm even taken aback by the "no restriction" clause. But instead of causing me some insurmountable joy it gives me some strange pit in my stomach. I'm not sure why everything in my life makes me want to cry like a baby and be cradled in someone's arms. I'm just a few months shy of 22 years old. Just yesterday I was crying to my ex boyfriend and I made the comment that instead of progressing with age I'm regressing. I stopped growing up and I'm falling backwards. I don't know how to be strong anymore. He told me I didn't have to be. That it was okay. I was strong for too long. But honestly, without strength, what do I have left? I spend so much time alone these days just thinking and slipping into crying frenzies. I hate how I feel. I hate this emptiness. I hate how lonely I am. I hate how badly I just want to be held and reassured. All of this is weakness. It's pathetic.

This note scares me. I'm scared of it getting rejected. I'm scared of it being questioned. I'm scared of me not living up to what it states. But maybe there's even more to that. I'm too hurt to go back. I just want to walk away from everything. Because I feel like I have nothing. I feel like I am nothing. And I don't know how to handle anything. I feel isolated. I feel burned.