Saturday, April 2, 2011


There is a possibility that I believe I am stronger than I like to admit. That perhaps, when I take time to actually look in the mirror, I see potential. Though who really knows for sure.

There is something that does bother me however. Something that instead of bringing on the usual "woe is me" emotions brings pure frustration. I become defensive with my thoughts. As though I need to fight for myself and stand up for what I know in the depths of my heart is true. Usually I'm content with taking disbelief. I have no problem taking criticism and spouts of negativity. In fact I think I deserve it. But for some reason this is different.

I don't understand why I can only think of a single person in my life who actually believes in me. Believes that I can overcome my thoughts and my insecurities. Believes that I am not beyond hope. That healing is not only possible, but that I can attain it as well. Maybe it's taking me so long because only one person believes in me. I need more than a single person's support. But maybe that's all I'm going to get. I can live with that. I enjoy proving the world wrong anyway.

Jamie, I hate that we've always lived so far away from each other but I love how close you are to my heart.


  1. I can tell you she isn't the only one who believes in you Steph.

  2. You can stop making me cry. It isn't good for my sensitive skin.

    I do believe in you. In all that you were, that you are and all that you are sure to become. You may hear you "have potential" but I know you've already got so much more than that. Your potential is created and finely honed each day by the challenges you overcome - by the sometimes small but more often than not enormous mountains you climb.

    I'm glad you know I see that. I'm glad you know I know you in your heart of heart. There is only one person who is able to see the perfect you and I don't claim to be Him. But I think I'm getting close.

    I love you too.
