Monday, February 21, 2011

26th of March.

I woke up at 530 this morning and when I opened my eyes I saw my best friend just sleeping and I smiled. I always sleep better when I'm at her house. It's a combination of things for that really. One, her bed is extremely comfortable. Two, I have a tiny bit more room compared to the corner I get shoved into at home. And three, Erin makes me feel safe and loved. I don't get that at home one bit. As I turned away from her trying to get back to sleep my thoughts went to a subject that has heavily been on my mind. I began getting anxious thinking about what today was. Monday, the day I would get my answer. Approved or not approved. I was scared out of my mind because I need this so badly. This is so much more than a want, or a desire. This is a necessity. I prayed and drifted in and out of sleep for a few more hours. About 10 minutes before 830 I sat up and found the prayer on my phone that I've been saying daily. I prayed it over and over again as I waited for Erin to get up.

I went to work and like usual, I was early so I just sat in the break room waiting to clock in. Five minutes before my shift started my phone rang. I saw the number and my heart fell into my stomach. I was too scared to answer so I let it go to voicemail. After a minute I listened to my voicemail and the fear got worse as it only told me to call them back because they had a question. Frantic I called back and they asked me something so simple. "Are you a full time or part time student?". After I gave my answer they said to bring my schedule verifying that and congratulations because I'm approved. I nearly died right there. All throughout work I couldn't stop grinning. I've never felt so much relief and excitement as I do right now. I'm approved for an apartment. On March 26th I will move into my own place. Scratch that. Our own place. Because it's my best friend's place too and that just makes everything else so much sweeter.

God is amazingly good.

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! He does m'dearest love! He takes care of those He loves. I'm so happy for you Steph!
