Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I want a toaster

I can't really contain how excited I am for March 26th. Thinking about it makes me insanely happy. Honestly, I'm proud of myself. I had help, but the thing is I accepted that help. That's huge for me. But really, in general, I did this on my own. I told my best friend that by March, even if it was on the last day, I'd be out of my house. Mission accomplished.

I can't wait to pack my things. To take that first step into that apartment and know that it's mine. That I can make myself a little home where I can feel at peace. I want to decorate and go grocery shopping. I want appliances and furniture. I don't care if it's new or used. I want to hang pictures up. I want to wash my own clothes and dishes. I want to sleep in my own bed in my own room. I want to decorate the bathroom. I want to listen to music in my room and not care who is listening. I want to organize my things and not worry about someone messing it up or taking anything. I want to be able to breathe. I want to be able to want to come home.

31 days. Not that I'm counting or anything.