Monday, June 13, 2011

Prayer Request


Do you remember the night when I was only 12? When you gave me my greatest gift? You reached down from Heaven and held me in your arms. You planted faith in my heart that up until recently was unshakable. The last few months I've gone through a dry spell. I was going through the motions feeling so disconnected. I would have moments of clarity. Moments where it would all make sense again and my heart would be filled with that soul purifying longing that causes me to push on through despite everything. Lord my struggles are apparent. You know the secrets of my heart, the level of despair I feel and how much pain I'm truly in. It is not my place to ask you to alleviate my burden. I am not asking for the removal of my cross. I just need help with my promise.



  1. With God, *coughandyourbestfriendcough* all things are possible. I love you, forever and always.

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