Friday, December 17, 2010

It Takes Four

I sat between the two most wonderful men in my world. I love both of them so much; the keeper of my heart and my best man. Chris and Jacob mean so much to me and I love being with them. But as we were sitting there watching the movie and they were laughing I couldn't help but feel empty. The picture wasn't complete without Erin.

I know Erin will be back in a month. And I know I'm going to be okay. But the thing is, though Chris is my boyfriend and he knows virtually every little thing about me, I need that female companionship. I need Erin to complain to when Chris is being dumb. I need Erin to talk to about every little thing I can think of. Being unable to text her, call her, or see her for a whole month kills me. Erin is the only person who never fails to ask me how I'm feeling. She asks specific questions and gets answers out of me that no one does because she takes the time to really care. These stupid blogs that I write? I know she reads them all. I know this not because she comments or anything but because she makes a point to ask me about them. To understand the real meaning behind my words and the exact situations and people I'm talking about. She wants to be in my life. That fact amazes me beyond all else. Every little thing she does for me tells me that she cares and loves me. She's completely honest with me, even when it hurts. But I appreciate that honesty. She's my best friend and I enjoy every second I get with her.

Like I said, I know I will be fine. I also hope she has an amazing time. She's going to spend time in the number one place I want to go, the Vatican, after all. Then she'll go to India to visit family. She'll have fun and in a month she will be back. My only issue is that without a job and school being out for winter, I have way too much free time without being able to talk to the person I talk to the most. And as much as I love our boyfriends, it isn't the same without her being there.

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