Monday, January 3, 2011

Challenge #1

It isn't like this is a new thing but I can't sleep because I have too much on my mind. I feel sort of like someone threw me into the deepest part of the ocean in one of the worst storms with full awareness that I don't know how to swim. Now what?

So my family is moving. Perhaps not to another state but they are moving. Moving to a smaller house. Now if you realize that there are eight people in this sort of 4 bedroom house (I say sort of because there's really only 3 but we made a den area into a 4th bedroom) and it's already plenty crowded you may be able to see the problem. Smaller is not what we need. But that of course is not my decision. However when my mom approached me and said, "We're going to move. Where are you going to go?" it made the situation just a tad bit worse. Personally.

I'm 21 years old and never ever did I believe at this age I would still be living at home. But I am and right now there's nothing I can do about that. Right now I'm out of a job and so there's no way I can afford to move out. But that's what I'm being asked to do. That's what I need to do. I have at the most 3 months. Longer if my dad decides not to leave. But either way my clock is ticking. I need money and I need it right now.

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