Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mi Mejor Amiga

So if you've been faithfully following me you know that I have a blog titled the exact same thing, except in English. That blog had a bit of a different spin on it than what I'm about to write right now. And if I repeat myself in anyway, that's okay. Because I just want to say this and well this is my blog.

Erin Laura Rebello is the most amazing young woman that I know. She is someone I needed more than I ever wanted to admit. I did not want a best friend. Everyone wants friends but I did not want to put faith in another human being. Not the kind of faith that is required for me to say those two words. It isn't some sort of title for me. It isn't even so much a distinction that she is better than everyone else. The definition I have in my head far supersedes anything else. It encompasses a variety of things. It translates into a language that I'm pretty certain I only know how to speak. Other than the love of my heart that Chris has, it is the biggest thing I can give a single person. Though it may not be perceived as one, or even worthy of it, it is the single biggest honor anyone in my life has.

Last night when I spent those precious hours with her I experienced something that I've lacked for years. I had a moment that seemed like it would be impossible to achieve. I experienced a moment without concern. Without fear, without anxiety. Without stress and lingering thoughts. I didn't think about anything from the past. I didn't think about anything about the future. I lived in the moment with my best friend. Just that moment. I was happy. I was comfortable. And mostly, I felt like I belonged there with her. Like she really did want me there with her. They weren't just words she was saying. It was an emotion. A confirming warmth that she just may love me as much as I love her. I didn't feel like a bother.

Erin and I are very different people. But we are very similar as well. I can tell her anything. Even if she sometimes can't do the same. I'm more comfortable with her than anyone else. I don't have to hold up any false pretenses. Being me, awkwardness and all, is okay. I have fun with her. I can relax with her. I can sit in her car and drive with her 60 miles and not have a moment of boredom. Part of me didn't want her to stop. Actually a big part of me. I wanted her to keep driving. Leave Gilbert, Arizona and our problems and watch them fade in the rear view mirror. We'll deal with them later. Besides, life is so much better when she's standing next to me.

Erin is beautiful, and smart. Erin has faith that I admire. Erin makes me smile when I want to cry. Erin is honest with me, even when it hurts. Erin makes me laugh. Erin pushes me past my comfort level. Erin makes me want to be crazy with her. Erin makes me have hope in people. That's really the biggest gift Erin has given me. She makes me realize with every passing day that I can depend on some people. She's restoring faith that I lost.

I'd like to think that Erin and I will be friends forever. Best friends. If I hadn't already promised my sister, I would be ecstatic to have her be my maid of honor on my wedding day. My first child however, she will be the godmother. But life is too finicky and fragile to speculate about the future. What happens will happen. All I know right now is that God gave her to me for a specific reason. I only wish I could make even the slightest fraction of the impact on her life in the way she has mine.

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