Saturday, March 19, 2011

Running the Race

My head is spinning. I'm not sure how in the world I can feel happiness and frustration all at once. It's becoming to a point where emotions blend and numbness creeps in.

I had a wonderful day yesterday. Ultimately, nothing went wrong. The insanity of that fact overwhelms me. Yet I'm not jumping for joy. There is no celebration craving to go wild.

Today is the day that celebrates the birth of a very special young woman. Someone I can't possibly ever lose. My life is better because of her.

I wrote something in private. In a location only a single other person can read if they so choose. I don't like what I wrote. Guilt consumes me. But I can't change my emotions. I should go delete it though.

I feel like I'm running a race and my competitive nature screams at me to be first. Problem is I have no idea where the finish line is.

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