Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I tend to love people until it hurts. Literally hurts. It's the one quality that I like about myself because I know where I stand. I am a person who is trustworthy. I am dependable. I will drop everything in a second if someone needs me. No second thoughts. And I'm a person who makes sacrifices for others. These are things I'm proud of.

If you know me you know how much I love my parish. St. Anne's is the only home I've known since I moved to Gilbert. I'm ridiculously comfortable there. The hardest part about thinking of leaving Arizona one day is knowing I can't take St. Anne's with me. This past Sunday when I arrived before the 7 am mass to sell candy for our fundraiser I noticed a stack of large crosses laying against the wall. They looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where I had seen them. So naturally I asked someone. They were the crosses that hung on the wall of the parking lot for Stations of the Cross. The church got new ones and so these were being given away for free to good homes. They've been blessed and everything. One by one these crosses were taken away until there was one left. I had to have it. So when I took it and placed it next to me I was overwhelmed with happiness. No matter where I go I will always carry St. Anne's in my heart but this cross was a physical reminder. Something tangible that I could take with me. But as I thought and thought I found myself making a decision. A decision I didn't want to make but it felt necessary. I went home later that day and I handed the cross to my mom. I told her that it was blessed and it should stay in this house or wherever they go so God can always be with them. I gave my family another piece of who I am because they, I believe, need that piece more than I do.

Love is hard. And it requires sacrifice. But I don't think it would be worth it without it. Christ has shown me that.

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