Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do you ever look back on your past and just can't help but laugh? Just look back at the past year and think about how much has changed since then, and how much is strangely similar. I think we live so much of our lives in this hectic race that we forget to take time to breathe. I know I do. I'm so wrapped up in my emotions and endless thoughts that I don't know how to just be. I also don't know how to be optimistic.

I just read every blog that I've ever written on this thing. I really make myself laugh. Seriously. My life and words are hilarious.

But after reading them all I could really think of one thing. Really, one person.

Chris, you're my best friend. At the end of the day you're it. I don't care how the day goes, and what was said and was done. I. Love. You.

From our first date...

Our first dance...

Our first adventure...

Our first trip...

Our first year...

Our first extremely long drive to Utah (I swear, there will be more to come)...

Our first snow...

Our two year...

We're 12 days short from our 2 years and 8 months. Each day of the time we've spent together has been a blessing. Despite every hardship and stumbling block we've faced I still know without a single doubt that he's the man I want to marry. Every kiss that still takes my breath away gives me that. When I look in his eyes I still get lost. No matter how long I have to wait, I want more than anything to be his wife. Because of him, I still have hope.

Thank you for everything you are Christopher. Thank you for loving me despite all my shortcomings. Thank you for not giving up on me, and on us. Ever.

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