Monday, October 25, 2010

Trying to Breathe

Yesterday I was angry. More so than I have ever been in my life. I was so fed up with everything. In just a short few hours I was attacked from all sides and I struggled to keep my footing. Of all things it was Sunday. The only day of the week I look forward to. But my anger and frustration was so overwhelming that I actually found myself not wanting to go to mass. I didn't want to go to youth group and have another adoration service. I wanted to just lock myself up somewhere and be destructive. To myself, to property, to my life and perhaps even more frightening and disturbing, to others. Now I do not often get so upset that I take it out on other people. Even when they're the problem. I internalize things. I write about things. I listen to music extremely loud and sing about things. I pray. I cry. My entire life has been filled with fingers pointed and my loved ones screaming at one another. Screaming at me. I hate yelling. I hate listening to it and I hate expressing it. Nothing gets accomplished and it just make things worse. I would prefer to talk about things. And if you're not in a position to talk, walk away until you are. That's how I handle things. Or at least that's what I try to do and honestly, I do a good job. Words mean a lot to me and when I say things, I say them with heart and with meaning. I never want to say anything that I will regret seconds later. So I think before I speak. Not all the time, but most of the time. I'm far from perfect.

Yesterday, I didn't want to think. I wanted to lash out on all the people who have hurt me. I wanted to yell at my family and tell them that they have failed me most of my life. I wanted to inflict even the slightest kind of pain on them that they had made me feel. I just didn't want to be the only one hurting anymore. One friend betrayed me, another told me I was selfish for a reason I still do not know and she won't tell. Someone denied the fact that I even loved them. My family did too many things to count and I was just overwhelmed. I held a lot in. I didn't say half the things I wanted to. I controlled myself. For the most part. But I guess when I woke up this morning I didn't regret anything I said yesterday. So perhaps I controlled myself better than I thought I did.

I'm not angry anymore. I contribute that to the fact that I still went to mass and adoration. Even when I was kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament I felt hardened. But Jesus knows how to break through my walls. So no, I'm not angry. But I'm hurt. I'm broken. I'm bruised and I feel defeated. Right now I'm just trying to breathe. Trying to throw a smile on my face and make it stick. But it's a struggle.

I don't know much, but I'm pretty sure life wasn't meant to be lived this way.


  1. I hope you recognize the broad steps you've made.

    If I'm counting correctly we've known one another for eight years and counting. In that time we have both come a long way. It makes me deeply proud when you overcome your drive to lash out on yourself most of all.

    Oh Steph. I wish I could be there to there. Let you run away to me and we can talk about things or avoid everything and make cookies and popcorn to watch a movie.

    I love you. You are strong. And you aren't selfish. If others don't see you the way God sees you then they aren't worth listening to. Perhaps that is why you so often run to His arms?

    Good choice.

  2. I'm sorry stephanie I didn't mean to betray you. That wasn't my intention I would never stab you in the back I know I am a pitiful excuse for a friend but you mean so much to me. I won't say ti cuz I know it'll just upset you. But you know it and it's always true.
