Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Have you ever been so filled with words that you actually have nothing to say? Or at least that's what you keep telling everyone because you know that nothing that you could utter would come close to describing everything you feel.

I'm extremely restless. I wish I could go on a vacation somewhere. Just for a day or two. I need a bit of a getaway. I don't care who the company is even. All I know is that going alone would be very bad for me, but I need to go somewhere.

I'm going to ramble off a to do list. Maybe it will help me give a bit of a purpose.

1. Get a freaking job
2. Move out
3. Tell my parents that I'm not going to make thousands of dollars and become a doctor. I want to get a masters in Theology and be a youth minister and make no money but do my very best to make a difference in teenagers' lives and work for the Church at the same time
4. Graduate in May
5. Pray more. That probably should be the first thing on my list.
6. Win the lottery in exactly 5 weeks (Hah. I'd do really good with it.)
7. Learn how to cook real food.

More long term things..

8. Get married
9. Get a puppy
10. Have a family
11. Go to Disney World
12. Go to Vatican City
13. Move out of Arizona
14. Learn how to be happy

There's a lot more. Silly things. Big things. But I don't know. This isn't working out the way I needed it to.

I seriously need a break from life.

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