Friday, October 29, 2010


My favorite time of the season is Fall. Living in Arizona, I'm not sure why. I never get to see anything like that picture above. The handful of trees around the neighborhood that actually do change slightly are overshadowed by all the green ones still blooming. Then all of a sudden it gets really cold (for our standards, that is) and the leaves are just gone. There is no change. Just alive and then dead. Interesting concept.

Last year at the beginning of October, Chris and I made a trip to Utah for my lovely friend Jamie's wedding reception. As soon as I saw the first tree with color I began freaking out. I was frantically attempting to take pictures but it was a bit difficult considering Chris was speeding past everything in sight. I managed to get a couple, but I eventually gave up and just watched from my window. It was beautiful.

Today is October 29th and it is 95 degrees outside. The only fall leaves I see are the fake ones adorning my door. I can't stand Arizona.

Hm. I've heard Virginia has nice falls. Maybe there will be some perks to marrying a Marine.

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