Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Today I turned 21 years old. And I realized that although I have very few close friends, they spoil me rotten. It, however, has nothing to do with anything materialistic that they gave me. No, the greatest gifts I received were expressed to me in words.

I want to start off with my best friend, Erin Laura Rebello. I haven't known Erin for too long. We've been really good friends for a little less than two years. When I first met Erin something actually scared me about her. I was scared because I was drawn to her. We'd talk and I found myself wanting to spend more time with her. I wanted to get to know her. I wanted to be friends. And that's absolutely terrifying to me. I felt comfortable with her and so much of me wanted to run away and hide. Regardless if it's a bad thing or not, I'm a victim of my past. I carry around certain things like they're part of my skin. The pain Diana caused me has never been surmounted. And honestly, it still hasn't even healed. But for me I only felt like Jamie could be the only female I trusted completely. She, after all, had never done anything to hurt me or betray me. But then Erin came into my life and she slowly filled a part of me that I thought would forever be empty. And today, she filled it completely and then proceeded to overfill it with the love and friendship she's given me. For my birthday she decorated my truck and wrote in chalk all around it. But the best thing was this:
Inside each of these 21 balloons was a reason why she loved me. Twenty one of the kindest statements that someone has ever given me. And if that wasn't enough she gave me a card later that was filled with beautiful words that made me want to cry for all the right reasons. I love you Erin. Thank you.

Next there was my beautiful and wonderful Jamie Ann Welch-Jaro. Everything she writes to me or says to me has always gone straight into my heart where it's kept safe forever. But a three-paged birthday letter from her was more than enough to get me on my knees and thank God for the blessing He has given me through her friendship. Holding those papers in my hands and seeing her lovely handwriting made me feel like I was close to her. As though she was sitting right next to me, holding my hand and talking to me. I love that she loves me so. I love that she took time out of her day to sit down and write to me. My most precious and beautiful friend, I adore you. Thank you for all that you do, even though you're far away.

Marisa Crystal Ann Gonzalez you're the most beautiful and precious little sister I could ever ask for. I love that in these recent years we've grown into being friends. You're 16 and drop-dead gorgeous and I love you so much. You wrote me a letter that was unbelievably heartfelt. I don't deserve the nice things you said about me, or the way you look up to me, but I will always do my best to never let you down. I love you with all my heart.

Jacob Adam Lane, you're my sexy man who I secretly want forever. If I could have a best man at my wedding it would be you. What you wrote on the single space in the card that Erin left you was sweet. I don't need a lot of words from you to tell me that you care. The amount of times you've been there for me is enough. But perhaps the greatest thing you did for me today was telling me happy birthday and hugging me goodbye when you left the restaurant today. You were so sick and I felt awful that you were feeling so bad but the fact that despite the way you felt you still came means so much to me. I love you Jacob. So much.

Michael Ryan Gray I don't think it's a coincidence that the gift you gave me involved music. It's been such an important part of our friendship. No matter what I will always love you. Difficulties and all. Thank you for taking time and being open enough so that I could share with you just a piece of my musical taste. I appreciate the no complaints, and the comment about my voice. Your string of lights will always shine bright to me.

And of course, the most important person to me and the love of my life, Christopher Michael LaVoy. You got me a handful of amazing material presents. But the best present you gave me today was a note you wrote to me on receipt paper. I swear to you that each and every day you give me another reason to fall in love with you all over again. You just being you is the greatest gift in my life. Period. Not just on my birthday. I love you with everything I am and I always will.

Thank you all for making me feel special on this day.

1 comment:

  1. Quit makin' me blush. It is not becoming for a blonde.

