Saturday, November 6, 2010

Heaven Sent

There's something breathtakingly beautiful about being in love. In love to the point of mild insanity. Alright, probably for me it is more than mild. But I'm okay with that.

My sophomore year of high school he was just another freshman that I had to tell what to do. When he missed practice that day without notifying me I had no problem replacing him on my team and making him the alternate. Never in a thousand years did I think that above anything else in the whole world that I would ever want that boy to be my husband.

I remember the first time we kissed. I kissed him. Hah. That's rather amusing considering he had to chase me for over two years before I agreed to be his.

Last night I was a pretty big mess. Actually I've been a walking disaster for over a month. I hadn't cried all that much though. Considering how miserable I've felt there have been very few tears. Last night I cried more than a month's worth. It was an exhausting process. One that made me sick. But it was needed and I'm so thankful that he was there to hold me.

Chris is not perfect. At all. He has a smart comment about everyone and no matter how many times I tell him to say excuse me when he burps he doesn't. He has a temper that I can't stand and he is never on time to anything. But he has the prettiest eyes that I have ever looked into and a smile that never fails to make me smile back. He makes me laugh harder and more than anyone ever has in my life. He tells me I'm beautiful every day. He looks at me like I'm the one thing in the world that he would die for. He makes time to see me every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. He takes care of me when I'm sick, and puts up with me when I'm PMSing. If I asked him he would buy me anything in the world. He's the only one I trust to tell absolutely everything to. He picks up my brother and sister up from school when I can't and helps them with their homework. He believes in the Church as much as I do, and never pressures me to do anything. He tells me when I'm irrational and rude and I honestly appreciate that very much. Most importantly every time I get scared and I push him away he stands his ground and pushes his way back to me. He wants me, emotional baggage and all. He's my very best friend and loving him is the best decision I have ever made.

I'm in a stage of my life where so many things are coming at me way too fast. I keep losing my footing. I keep praying to God for some help and as I sat in my room with my sister listening to every song Taylor Swift has beautifully written I began laughing. God sent me help over 2 years and 8 months ago. Before that really. Six years ago. He sent me you.

1 comment:

  1. I wish the phrase "in love" wasn't made into such a cliche.

    Love is such an ethereal, untouchable emotion and I am so grateful you know what it means to hold it. There is a world out there full of people who throw that little word around and it isn't fair to those of us who truly know what it means. Cherish this reality you've got my dearest.

    You deserve love. You deserve complete and utter devotion from Chris. It makes my heart swell to know he gives it to you.
